Active Power Filter

            Static Var Generator 

            Hybrid Static Var Generator

            Smart Power Quality Correct Device

Home / Case Study / Power Quality
Active Power Filter (APF. 03) used in Pakistan M/s Zaman Textile Mills

M/s Zaman Textile Mills in Pakistan400V 100A APF wall mount + 400V 150A APF3 sections in total. The harmonic distortion rate before compensation is 38%, 24% and 32% respectively, and after compensation, they are all around 5%.The operation is stable and the customer is very satisfied.

Active harmonic filter used in Daqing data center

Nancal Electric APF used in Daqing Data Center

Power quality products used in Pharmacy

Nancal Power quality products used in Pharmacy, active power filter and static var generator

APF used in Semiconductor Materials Manufacturing

APF used in semiconductor materials manufacturing End user: A leading company producing monocrystalline silicon rod, polycrystalline ingot, monocrystalline silicon sheet, polycrystalline silicon sheet.There are totally three phase of this project. Total capacity is 6000Amps

APF used in Offshore Drilling Platform

Particular requirements for APF from offshore drilling platforms.Offshore drilling platforms have special requirements for equipment in terms of protection level, equipment dimension, cooling method and safety.

Active Power Filter used in new energy industry

Active power filter used in new energy industryIndustry: Solar farm Voltage: 400V Products: 100A, 200A,400A Active harmonic filters

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